

Case Study

NATEC Co., Ltd. (Nara City, Nara) : TS500P-3200

NATEC Co., Ltd. (Nara City, Nara) : TS500P-3200
Responding to the diverse needs for broad-width digital printing exceeding 3 meters in width, the introduction of new equipment was absolutely necessary to achieve further success in business.
It is stimulating previously hidden demands within the advertisement and signage industry, leading to expansion of market share. Furthermore, we managed to grasp the opportunity to lead the curtain/table-cloth sector with the innovative broad-width digital printing technology.

Mimaki product used

PROTEC, Co., Ltd. (Osaka City, Osaka) : TS500P-3200

PROTEC, Co., Ltd. (Osaka City, Osaka) : TS500P-3200
The limit of print width sometimes forced us to print in an inefficient way. Inefficient imposition caused waste of materials and raised cost challenges.
Now, print width of 3.2m enables us to print large signage at one time now, including the finishing width for post print processing. Faster printing generated some cushion on the delivery schedule.

Corporated with the Exposition "Ueda Zen Tenkiko (All weather & climate of Ueda)" by Yumie Shirai, Artist

Corporated with the Exposition "Ueda Zen Tenkiko (All weather & climate of Ueda)" by Yumie Shirai, Artist
Efforts of Mimaki
Artist: Yumie Shirai, SANTO MYUZE (Ueda municipal art museum)
Cooperated in the print of her work "Oto-maku (Windscreen)".

Mimaki product used

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